Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Dreaming of Stuffs

So I had a dream last night. Damn was it cool. I mean there were hot chicks, helicopters, explosions, more hot chicks, guys with guns trying unsuccessfully to kill me, even more hot chicks, and the good guy winning. That would be me, the good guy.

But after about 3 minutes after waking up I couldn't remember any of it. Why is that? When you first wake up normally your dreams seem so vivid and the pseudomemories of them trace burning white lines across your concious. But very quickly... they're gone. I should keep a notepad by my bed just so I can quickly jot down what I dreamed about the night before. Sadly, when I wake up to the blarring of my alarm clock, blasting out early morning and very poorly tuned 99.3 The Fox. As the screaming of Kurt Cobain and white noise blast me out of my nice restless sleep.

Now, today I waste it away playing World of WarCraft with a friend of mine. Hopefully I'll go out sometime today and not waste another day of my precious Spring Break before I have to go to school again.


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