Monday, March 06, 2006

So let's sum up.

Pnuma -> tres hardcore, if you missed out, FOR SHAME. (Really, super-coolies)
WoW -> Lame and pointless, new addiction, EVE
Coke -> So very mid-90's, I'm riding the white pony now.
Quiz today -> So very screwed, forgot about it until this morning.
Kyle = super -> he gives me rides to school
Andrew = super -> he hangs out with me before class and tolerates my productivity destroying ways
Jamieson = super -> We're all special in our own ways


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Rohbit said...

What... no Reuben mentioned...

At 7:17 AM, Blogger McAnerbot said...

But Reuby, your awesomeness is axiomatic for sure! The fact that you mentioned this is causing to me to question the fundamentals of awesomeness!


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