Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Late night Chili and Strawberry-Swirl

I wake up, the air smells like how under ripe bananas taste. Biomed has poked me in the back of the head with his pencil, "Wake up." he quietly implores me. I've fallen asleep in... What's this class now? None of my current ones... Glancing around and smiling as Biomed waves his pencil at me in a reproving fashion. Embarassment, I've fallen asleep right in the front row of the class. Again. The dialouge of someone who tries but has never quite gotten a handle on English drones at the front of the class. I can't tell what she's teaching... Philosphy, maybe English Lit, from the the overhead she's gesturing at with a laser pointer that shoots a solid blue beam that sweeps the emphasized phrases, "The struggle between good and evil with overtones of sexual frustration is most apparantly apparant...", the rest blurs out as she moves on. In what appears to be the Hebb Theatre. The professor looks like the Dancing Lady but has the voice of Animegirl but with a halting uncertain dialouge instead of the embarassed exasperation.

Glancing down at what I've written, I'm confused. It seems that instead of writing down notes, I have a smudged pencil drawing of Link holding the Master Sword but looking shocked as the tip of the blade has metamorphised into Cthulu... Cthulu chewing on what appears to be an owl's talon, presumably the rest of the owl is already inside.

Not really the Dancing Lady though, more like the DL in 20, maybe 25 years. She's still beautiful. She still has an impish grin. Impish in a good way though.

Someone taps me on the shoulder, it isn't Biomed though, Biomed has disappeared. It seems that now the Doctor is behind me. "You know, this isn't even your class." I dig a schedual out of my pocket. Appears he is right, I should be in HebB theatre for... Quantum Mechanics Non-Linear Proofs of the Existance of God. It is abbreviated as QuaMeNoLPExig 708 on my schedual. But that's what it is. "Oh, you're right. How'd you know? It's only the first day."

"It isn't the first day, it is the week nine." I've been asleep for nine weeks in the front row. Why didn't Biomed wake me up sooner? "- And why does it smell like how under ripe bananas taste?"

The doctor shrugs and simply responds, "It smells that way becau-".

Blink. Oh, it is 9:15 in the morning. Time to get up. Don't you hate it when I miss the big ending.


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