Sunday, December 03, 2006

Guitar Hero 2

If you are interested in a GH2 littel party at my place, featuring all the trimmings of my birthday party minus cake, comment.

Basically, Guitar Hero 2 (and 1), with which I now have 2 guitars for.

My brother is leaving his copy over here for "the next few days" so, in that time frame, party.

Need: what... 3 people to justify a day of it :P


At 6:16 PM, Blogger Rohbit said...

dude! Does GH2 allow for more than 2 guitars!?!?!?

At 9:23 PM, Blogger McAnerbot said...

Sorry Reuby, no.

And guys, so far it's Kyle, Justin, and Jake in... Jamieson probably will be too. Sally'll come probably as well. Maybe get some more ladies to come rock out. :P

Which is more than enough.

But given that i have approximatley 200% of marks in coures over the next few days, i think I'll be throwing this thing say... December 27th.

Sadly Reubenless, but will be less not-stuyding-when-i-should-be.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Jamieson said...

Count me in any time after the 16th.

At 3:06 PM, Blogger andrew said...

Sure, I'm in.


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