Saturday, September 01, 2007


Yet Another Video Game Post:

I feel it is time to move from the comforting, yet tired, shores of gaming that is provided by World of Warcraft. Possibly from MMOs entirely for at least awhile. The game is simply not entertaining anymore and by playing it I've pretty much nixed any chance I have of ever being of any note in EVE (which is still the game of my dreams... If only one could ever be competitive in the game compared to people who've been playing the whole time. That post illustrates how long-term you must play that game. And remember kids, I like being GOOD at the games I play.

But I think being one of the nine million WoW players is seemingly not representing what I want out of games. You know, beginnings, middles and ENDS. Every 9 months or so, Blizzard is going to make a new end, so that means that all you get for your play is middle. Which after the first 15 hours of play or so, is where you get to, and where you are for the next EVER.

I think I should lend my gaming dollar to more... interesting games. Like games made by Introversion Software which are just stupidly awesome, see Uplink, Darwinia and Defcon. I think all 3 might be available over Steam for very little $$, a very important consideration although it shouldn't be since I've been forking over $15 a month to The Man for the past freaking year or so. The concept of paying for a game once is now becoming more and more appealing.

Rohbit mentioned the joy that is Day of Defeat: Source to me last night and his consideration to buy it. I already have and played it a lot. It's very fun. Maybe I should go practice and get good at it again before he does, and then play it with him. I know a few I wouldn't mind a few (dozen) hours of good German or Allies slaughtering all in the name of good fun. But I haven't seriously played a FPS for like, almost a year now except for occasionally replaying System Shock 2, Deus Ex or Alien vs Predator 2.

Basically my gaming has consisted of WoW, Bridge (which I unsuccessfully attempted to bring to Richmond last night), and Sims 2 as of late. The Sims games have never really held my interest for very long and I almost inevitably begin cheating to see how amusingly I could burn the house down, killing my sims in a hilarious manner. I think the concept of the indoor barbecue is sound but with a cooking skill of 1, maybe not a terribly bright idea. So much wood furniture...

Anyway, I should probably go attempt to quit WoW forever... again... before it catches my interest. As I have already quit twice in the past, maybe the third time is the charm. I think I'm going to go buy Darwinia now and see if I'm any good at it. It's not a game I am traditionally good at but it might help the break up with WoW.

The sad thing is I've played WoW for what.... 2 years now? It doesn't get the swan song that EQ did, it gets the boot, the quick uninstall key, and delete of folders and key bindings. WoW was 30 times more fun than EQ at least, and yet, I think I still miss EQ more because it wasn't full of asshats because you had to be more dedicated, have more of a brain and able to gainfully interact with people to get past level 15 in EQ... While to many World of Warcraft was probably the equivalent of masturbation that your mom can't get TOO angry about walking in and seeing you doing.

Or instead I could turn off the computer and go outside and apply my body and my brain to the problems around me and keep the mind sharp, and get the body fit, and live a healthier, slightly less pale and parasitic life.

Darwinia download: 21%

Edit: Also I'm going to have to make ANOTHER video game post due to PC Gamer releasing an ABYSMAL top 100 games of all time thing. I'm going to have to set the record straight, yo.


At 5:58 PM, Blogger Rohbit said...

I am currently very tempted to buy DoD... if I you had suggested it this summer, I would've downloaded it. Sadly... I have school to consider. Maybe I'll download and install it on my PC.. that might work better since that way I don't have the game with me at all times.


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