Friday, June 15, 2007

Mark Alert Status Colour: Mauve

Due to a great clamour I've had lately about my lack of blogging. I've like, decided to blog. As such I will talk about the only thing important in my life.

Me and things/people I like. Also, politics, important thoughts, my ideas about webcomics and video games(ing). Then you can comment on said thoughts if you feel so inclined.

Status Update:
  • I graduated. I have since dramatically underachieved. More-so than usual.
  • I lack deep thoughts, but have recently decided to figure out old problems from scatch while I shower in the morning, you know, to keep sharp. I, from physical principals alone, figured out how to navigate around the earth without dependence on such things as "celestial navigation" (how vikings did it, with stars). Turns out my method is exactly what they used around the 1900's (for instance, Darwin's voyage was one of the first long distance voyages in which this method was used, it involves accurate clocks!). Good times. I did the calculations in my shower mirror in steam.
  • I remain unemployed but sort of have two jobs. I'm not sure how this works. It's like, I can't get another job, but still don't have money. Confusing isn't it?
  • I'm addicted to caffeine. During the day my average heart rate is around 80 BPM. I think I'm going to die eventually from it.
  • Andrew thinks that just because nobody has previously lived forever, I will not. I disagree and think Andrew will never invent anything new. Also, I meant a figurative-forever, not violating conservation of energy forever.
  • I have decided to not reconcile the previous two bullets.
I have often wondered how some people can become such... FORCES in small niches of society that their opinions completely sway their niche. If properly deployed. I believe it's the combination of powerful words and pretty pictures. People start looking at PA and see the pictures with crude jokes and think it's funny. People keep going to PA because of Tycho's tri-weekly posts wherein he forges words into powerful ideas which in their own subtle way, change the world.

(I couldn't decide on how to phrase that last sentence, this was the best I could do in the 30 seconds I gave myself to settle my diction.)

I wish I had that kind of power. This is because I believe myself to be a better judge of what's good for people than the people themselves (sometimes, probably not YOU, but like, sometimes you make bad decisiosn though you know? You probably should of consulted me. Yah I know, it's none of my business, but you still should of.)

I miss hanging out with Kyle.

I have a girlfriend, it's awesome. And I think that's all I'm going to say about that since, you know, she's going to read it, AND other people are going to read it. I mean if it was just her, tha'ts fine, if it was NOT her, that's fine too. But like the combination of her AND other people? DEADLY.

Biking rocks. I'm not sure why I don't get sunburns while biking though, it seems I should. On my arms and such, but never QUITE get burned. Stamina wise, I'd say I'm at around 75% of where I was at the "height" of my biking power last summer.


At 3:46 PM, Blogger Jamieson said...

Re: Caffeine
I am also addicted to caffeine, averaging approximately 4 cups per day (on work days, where coffee is FREE) and my heart rate is currently (after 4 cups of coffee) only 66 BPM. Slightly elevated, maybe. But I find it difficult to blame your elevated heart rate on caffeine alone. Could it be that you're horribly out of shape? Or maybe you're stressed because you realize that you're graduated and yet have no job? Haha, sorry. Upon re-reading that, it seems a bit harsh. So I shall disarm it in McAnerbot fashion. :P <--- DISARMED!!

Re: Girlfriend
You should know by now that I hate lovey-dovey posts. Therefore, ARRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!

Re: Biking
Yes, it does rock. I am currently in the market for a new bike, which I think I'll pick out and pick up within the next week. When that happens, we need to do some hardcore biking.

At 1:13 AM, Blogger McAnerbot said...

My post is missing a bullet. I cannot recall what it was pecisely, but it made my final bullet make much more sense.

Also, i need to spellcheck.

Also, DIAF Jamieson.

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I miss hanging out with you too buddy! It's been way too frickin long. When did we all become so busy? :|

At 2:42 PM, Blogger andrew said...

I did mean a violating conservation of energy forever. That's the only forever I know of.


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