Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mastermind Making

Is anyone else concerned with the ability of criminals to evade police increasing due to the numerous crime dramas on television? I think we all know that CSI is a fanciful representation of crime scene processing. If you scan in a photo, and you have a blurry spot, you can yell "Enhance!" at your computer guy all day and it'll just get bigger and more blurry. You can't turn a 3x3 pixel square into 300x300 pixels. Ever.

But I mean, now that people know all about DNA, microscopes, tire treads, and security cameras. This won't help murderers who are ladies holding shotguns standing over dead husbands shouting "He shouldn't of said that about our Ted!", those were a bit of a pain for the writers to spin past the first commercial break anyway. It is the serial killers I'm worried about. Serial killers who've seen, and then bought on DVD, every episode of Crossing Jordan, CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York, and CSI: Fargo.

And THEN they watched the special features!


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Jamieson said...

It's okay because the criminal profilers will just be able to create a list of all the people who have bought those DVDs. That should narrow the list down enough (I'd say to about 5 or 6 people) to catch the killers.


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