Saturday, February 19, 2005

Dim Sum Rock Star

This chinese food thing, it just doesn't do anything for me. Except fill me up for far less than a good honest steak would cost. The Between States rock show went off well to. I've already ripped their CD to my computer. I'm trying to decide if it is worth pushing around the internet. Probalby would get a better distribution if I turned it into a mp3 with a blanked video component and name is hotbarnyardsluts.mp3 but that would be a gross deception of small fraction of the internet population who's only crime is to have fucked up fetishes. Sick bastards.

Except Scooter found this blog because of a momentarily slip up on my part. Fug. Only a matter of time I guess. I wonder if I should unpublish this entire thing now and move... Or maybe I should just get a bucket of Ben & Jerry's and watch Depersate Housewives on DVD. Okay so I don't own the DVD. But DVDs can be arranged. As can ice cream. Nah, the Texas Cheesesteak Massacre pleases me to much. To much work to go move. So Scooter, you're stuck being Scooter. Sucker.

Oh well, back to Chinese food, it isn't that it is bad, just that is so different from anything I normally eat for me to be comfortable eating it. Well, totally comfortable at any rate. Sometime you just gotta trust the Delilah that it is actually food and not like sheep eyes or something weird like that.

Oh well, back to studying I guess. Spring break is almost over... Back to the grind. At least I'm not stressed out anymore. Oh wait, Thermodynamics midterm Thursday. Um. Ass.


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