Why do I do this?
Because nothing in my life has compared really to that feeling you get when you finally, through dedicated effort, keen intellect, and (or) dumb luck manage to overcome tremendous odds and push your way through to a solution. This year has brought to me the first real academic challanges that I gave a crap about.
Why I do physics.
I get this feeling inside when I finally beat something. A warm glow that shows that I have once again set myself against a worthy task and proved superior to it. A tricky proof, a tough question, that sneaky part of an assignment that seperates the As from the Bs, the last enigma on a midterm. That feeling justifies to me, all the suffering that entails doing physics.
I'd have much more free time, and more or equal career prospects, doing almost any other discipline I'm at all qualified either through education, skillset, or temperment to do.
But I wouldn't be having nearly as much fun doing it. I think it comes from for the first time in my whole life. I've wanted to overcome a challange set against me instead of just evading it by doing the bare minimum to get by.
I hope I can meet and overcome my future challanges, but I think I should concentrate on my more... immediate concerns. Like getting done an entire lab analysis tommorow and an astronomy assignment finished. Oh, and those final exams coming up next week... I can hardly wait ^_^
I sometimes get that feeling.
It happened to me recently in fact.
I figured out a program that I didn't know how to do immediately on a midterm. Then I proceeded to write another one based comepltely on educated guesses and recieved a 7/10 for it.
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