Sunday, October 30, 2005

BJ_Nitsuj - Ahh, well then... says:
well, if you'd be able to do it, and keep it up w/o making mistakes, then yeah
BJ_Nitsuj - Ahh, well then... says:
don't think I'd be able to keep it up myself
Mark says, "I just read my OWN MSN NAME and shuddered in disgust. That's pretty damn bad." says:
(zing, I'm not even gonna say it)

Taking conversational snippets out of context is AWESOME!!!

In fact, we were actually talking about using incorrect verb tenses to fuck around with other people. NOT in fact, Nit's penile ability. But I thought it was pretty amusing either way!


At 1:42 AM, Blogger McAnerbot said...

Thanks for that "more than capable", should you choose to describe it that way, yet unnecessary comment! Not that it is unwelcome, just that I happened to edit the post to include the information your comment conveys WHILE you were commenting it.



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