Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Enter Happiness, Stage Left

I am feeling good now. Not good. Great. Fantastic. Fantabulis. There is no word to properly describe my current mental outlook. Ain't nothing gonna break my stride as it were. Until Thursday at 10 am. When the dreaded, yet hasn't begun to concern me, Thermodynamics exam hits. It will surely scythe me down out of this induced state of euphoria propped up my own academic and social successes in recent times (recent beings the last 5 minutes for academic and social being the last few hours).

Happiness. A warm fluffy feeling that clouds the mind with the best of thoughts, yet sharpens my mind to its keenest edge. I want things to stay this way forever. But suffering at other times makes this happiness all the more welcome like giving a glass of water to a man dying of thirst. Naturally to further this metaphor. I would be the man baking in the hot sun. Sitting in a boat, on a freshwater lake, except the lake is slightly murky. So I refuse to drink the water. Regardless of how thirsty and hot I may be. For the murkiness could be hiding anything... Well I'll be, that's a finely constructed metaphor. I like it. Good imagry.

Digitally Imported for the win over homework. Trance is my friend. Vocal Trance is my on and off friend who sometimes is far cooler than Trance but has crazy mood swings and is occasionally bitchy.

DL said she loved me. That gives me warm fluffy feeling inside. But sort of a glass shard wrapped in fluffy pink clouds. Damn platonic love never did anyone any good... More metaphors. That one less pleasing. But I shall leave it in anyway.

I love me too. For the moment. I might just brave the cold weather and go for a quick walk, in to the Village or just quick walk around the block. Clear my head. Maybe see what Scooter is up too and see if he wants to go for a walk.

Damn brain going to fast for fingers. Ah well, outties. Toodles Bloggerworld.

Just before I left on my walk, shortly after I completed talking to DL... I realised I couldn't recall her face in as crisp detail as I use to. Saddening. But part of my life that I have to deal with. Maybe one day I should get photos and take pictures of all the people that are important to me. Crystalize a moment in time for them all. Make a big board with tacked up photos of them all, then as time passes, cover up older photos with more modern ones. A stored memory.
Note to self: Take pictures with digital camera. Investigate printing costs of normal photo digital camera pictures at various venues.


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