Strange Days
So the last few days have been... interesting. Foremost, Friday marked the end of classes. Which is nice. But sadly I could not attend ACF because by the time I got out of the lab, I had already missed pretty much everything besides Matt Good, and I was tired. Really tired.
Anyway, when I got home Friday at around 6, I found my lawn entirely soaked. As if it had been flooded recently. Also I saw a new water meter stuck right in the middle of the lawn. Now curious I went inside and asked mom what was up, the whole story unfolded thusly.
Turns out the city of Richmond has decided to start doing metered water. Every liter we use gets counted and we pay for it. Now everyone gets the choice that we can either get a water meter installed by the city (that is a company the city hired to do the installations) now for free, or pay for it later. Being prudent my parents elected to get it installed it now.
Just as my father was pulling out that morning, the guys came by to install it. Dad called my brother and told him to get out of bed and keep an eye on the workers. Good thing too, because less than half an hour later, they had broken the water main. Thus the flooded lawn. Dave called dad home while they called down the city to cut off the water and fix the main. After the meter had its installation completed the water main was reopened. Oddly the water meter showed water flowing. There shouldn't be; There weren't any open taps in the house. Dad sent Dave upstairs to check the plumbing while he checked downstairs. Once again my brother acted as the harbinger of bad news, my parent's bathroom was found flooded; The sudden pressure had blown a pipe in the toilet.
An unfortunate fact of the architechure of my house has my mother's office space positioned directly below the bathroom. Water seeped down from the bathroom, down a crack in the wall, and out of a lighting fixture in mom's office... Onto her computer. Well, not her tower, just her mouse, keyboard, printer, and brand new LCD monitor. While my brother moved stuff off mom's desk, dad fixed the toilet.
Sadly, my family has elected to NOT go after the city or the company that did the installation for damages. Even though I'm sure I could get a hold of some cheap computer components and give them some water damage for 'evidence'. It is only a little bit of fraud.
Well, that was my Friday. It may not of involved drunken antics, but at least I got done my labs that I should of done ages ago. I only hope that my THIRD lab that I handed in a MONTH ago got marked. Since I didn't get it back. I sent an e-mail off to the professor to ask if the TAs had turned in a mark for me. If they haven't... I don't know what's going to happen.
Saturday I wasted. That pretty much brings things up to date. I'm bored. I have a final Tuesday. But I still want to go out today.
Imagine the fun if your septic tank had overflown...
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