Things that may or may not of happened today:
Jamieson bought pizza for me and Reuben of his own free will.
We watched Batman: The Movie. The classic late 1960's (non-)hit. What could of possibly been the best line: "Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb." - Batman
The best Riddler riddle: "What weighs 6 ounces, lives in a tree and is very dangerous?" OBVIOUSLY a sparrow with a machine gun.
Found Jamieson's very poorly concealed pornography on his computer.
Found Jamieson's Mom's very poorly concealed pornography on her computer. (kinky!)
Played pool with Reub, Caitlin and Jamieson. I won every 4-person teams game. (the stupid 3 person game? So doesn't count.)
Can you guess which didn't happen?
(in other news. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.)
Jamieson has no need to conceal his pornography, because he is the only user of his computer...
He could have it on the desktop and noone would be the wiser.
definitely the pizza one. I agree with kyle. ;)
WVOTD: rsnanjmr
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