House, MD
So let's talk about House.
That is, the TV show by Fox.
It is good, really good. If you like CSI, you'll love House. Mainly because it follows the same playbook as CSI. In fact, in their sheer inpredictability, they have become very predictable in a limited sense. I can look at my watch and see, oh, well the show is only 30 minutes in. Obviously the cure they figured out now is dead wrong! 5 minutes later, I am vindicated by someone spasming and puking all over his girlfriend's cardigan after a temporary bought with "getting better".
Also, I have learned a lot about medicine. Like: Don't go to Asia, or Africa. And: Seizures are a symptome of damn near everything. Also: Everybody lies. But I already knew that. In House it is so clearly laid out because damn near every time someone almost dies it comes down to a, "Either you tell me the truth; Or you (your son/daughter/wife/husband) will die."-scenario. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Just that it is getting a tad predictable.
It also comes equipped with slightly-forced-romantic-relationship v1.1. Therefore, from that version, I can predictable the following from only seeing the first 16 episodes:
In the next episode (17 for those of you not paying attention), Dr. Allison Cameron (a woman begging for a real last name instead of a double dose of first name) will quit because she has fallen hopeless in love with House and in episode 15 or 16 he revealed the fact that he didn't care about her (but actually does, the jaded bastard). I'm just wondering how many episodes Fox is running in a season so I can set the timing of future events.
I just like to say here and now I enjoy the mystery unravelling thing a lot more than the ancilliary "character development" story arcs that run parralel.... Who'd of thought, just like CSI! Also, I enjoyed the shows where Dr. Chase is cool instead of a dick.
More later on. Boots and Saddles in 5 apparantly.
Is "House" as fake as "CSI"?
See, everybody's like "Oooh, 'CSI' kicks ass"... so I gave it two tries. Actually, 4. 4 Cases, 2 episodes... And all they did was stuff the evidence through some kind of technological thing and the results would come back up on the computer and TADA case solved. SOOOOOO RETARDED!
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I agree 100%. I do enjoy both CSI and House. However, they are both fairly predictable.
I still think House could have been better if they had hired a better actor to play Dr. House. The current Dr. House just seems... fake to me. His sarcasm seems really forced. It's weird.
It is more. "Okay, this is what it can be. So let's give him drugs to cure that, after all, treatment is faster than tests and lives are on the line!" *patient gets slightly better, THEN GET'S WORSE!!!!* "So what happened? *ponder* Name crazy weird disease (leprosy!)" *accuse parents of lying about family history/cheating on eachother/travel to asia/whatever* *treat for leprosy, Patient gets better*Everything learns a valuable lesson about not to lie to doctors when your children are dying just to protect your shame*
And Jamieson:
I actually think he pulls off the "sarcastic bastard" attitude pretty well and Hugh Laurie is a really good actor.
I disagree.
Maybe the years of watching Becker has spoiled me on sarcastic doctors.
House is pretty amazing for what it is. Yeah, it's predictable, but they always come up with new diagnoses House pulls off some great stuff. Jamieson, you clearly have no fucking clue how to compare sarcasm from sitcom to a non-sitcom tv series--it's uncomparable.
I'd say it's easily comparable.
And they better be able to come up with new diagnoses. It's only in its first season.
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