Wednesday, July 12, 2006

By acclimation

Well, more like Jamieson whining.

But I'd just like to say, that when I throw a video-game related get together, it is super awesome.

Kyle "Pizza-Head" Allesia had pizza on his head until he shook it and (the pizza) fell on the floor. I thank Reuben endlessly for tirelessly cleaning it up when all i did was throw paper towels at Kyle. (There wasn't a stain)

Yesterday was awesomer than bungee jumping out of an airplane. But less cool than double-guitars. Because, you know, nothing is as cool as double-guiatrs.

I just unlocked the double guitar in Guitar Heroes. It is awesomesauce. I also got 142k points on Ziggy Stardust on medium (100% of notes), forever making me better than Jamieson. That whiney bugger. Play my own game better than me will he? *mutters darkly*

So, I've quit all my MMOing. For now. Now I'm back to the good ol' emotionally satisfying killing guys.

Satchel Paige. My god was that funny ass shit. All night, Kyle was all "Satchel-Fucking-Paige, how the fuck." And we were all, "Get over it and read the freaking question."-it was awesome. Far more awesome than I can put in words. Jake rules Trivial Pursuit.

I'm going up to camp on Thursday. Coming back Sunday. Who wants to go to Sushi on Monday or Tuesday? And play video games. I love my new PS2.

I wonder... starting a blog based on writing erotic fiction with yourself and all your plutonic friends as characters? Wouldn't that be... bad? Disturbing? Deliciously blackmailish? Yes.

Thanks to (in order of appearance): Kieran, Jamieson, Kyle, Reuben, Jamieson (again), Jake, Angela, Andrew.

One more thing: Conciseness is good right, and paragraphs breaks are seperations between "ideas" not when 4-5 sentences have gone by. Don't judge me for only having 3 sentence paragraphs. I finish my ideas faster than you. BETTER THAN YOU!