Awesome Day
Sorry this is just going to be a regular ol' boring "About my day" post this time. But my day has just been that good. This is a tad long though.
So today started off pretty bleh, still have a bit of a cough from my cold, but that's about it. To bad the day for me started at 5:30 am. Stupid Calculus class. Anyway, so after I ate my amazingly bland porridge (we're kinda out of food. Like, everything. I might just have to make pancakes tommorow for breakfast because everything easier to make is gone.) I was fiddling around the interweb I found this amazingly engrossing, yet subtly terrifying website, The Black Table and was learning about the miracle of food that is Turducken (A chicken stuffed with stuffing, stuffed in a duck with some stuffing, stuffed into a turkey with more stuffs, usually with 3 different kinds of stuffing too, 2 helpings more than satisfies your daily requirement of calories... Not counting the stuffing or spices). I now have no recollection how I found this website. Strange. All my internet history managed to tell me is that I first read the story about how to make Prison Pruno which is basicly an alcoholic (maybe, could be something else entirely, could be antifreeze) drink made from fermented oranges, sugar, ketchup and fruit cocktail. Apparantly it tastes like a bile flavored vodka cooler. Which makes sense. Most vodka coolers taste like bile to me now. Stupid vodka.
This website had me so engrossed I didn't even realise that the time for me to go get ready to leave had come and passed. I had already missed my regular bus and was now in danger of missing my secondary (and last) bus option that would get me on time for class. So naturally I had to hurry.
Alas, all my hurrying was for naught just as I turned the corner to catch the 491 it pulls away from the bus stop and I stopped and cursed my own stupidity and the power of the internet a half dozen times. While this is going on I walk up and a woman at the stop says that sometimes the 401 actually catches the 491 because so many people take it, just as a 401 pulls into the stop. My heart brightens. Then darkens again as the 491 makes the green light and right behind it, we get stuck with the red. I watch a half dozen people plod onto the 491 and then it pulls away with my hopes and dreams.
This day is sound so awesome so far isn't it? Well hold tight.
So it goes on, the 401 I'm on getting cheesey stop lights and tons of people getting on the 491, these two combine terribly to keep the 401 always around 10 bus lengths behind (around 340 feet for those who can't multiply). I silently curse all the people who keep getting on the 401 as the 491 gets farther away.
Then, hope! LITERALLY at the VERY last stop shared by the 401 and the 491 we pull in behind the 491 as it is still at the stop, I leap from the bus and sprint at the 491 flailing my arms like some kind of retard trying to get the bus driver to see me as it closes its doors. Miraculously I manage to catch the bus just as it begins to pull out and I pound the crap out of the closed doors. The bus sighs to a stop again and my day finally has started to turn good, I graciously thank the driver for stopping. I sit down with a sigh on the 491, put my headphones on, flip a smile at the scowling old lady across the aisle from me (I'm not sure if she was actually scowling at me, or if she was just one of those damn old people that have their face stuck in their wrinkled frown forever) and promptly ignore the world for around 30 minutes like all the other polite bus riders.
Go me. The rest of my bus trip is uneventful and I get to my class a whole ten minutes early, just in time to drink a bottle of water I had left in my bag from Tuesday (quick note on bottled water, the freaking Safeway Select bottled water that is super cheap is some of the BEST TASTING bottled water I've ever had, makes Aquafina taste like tap water in comparison) and munch on a substandard and dry raisin bran muffin I had been gratituously overpriced for, but that's what I get for eating at UBC. I've learned my lesson Cinamin Buns all the way.
Arriving on time for my class comes with one drawback. It means I have to sit through the entirity of the most boring hour and fourty minutes I've ever had in a class. And I've taken introductory computer science classes. I find out that the cute girl that I sit next to in my class has once again skipped because the class is so boring, and that I've given my cold to the guy who sits on the other side of me. We quietly talk a lot of the class because we're bored, but he's got to take notes because he is getting paid to by a disability guy, sucker. Rehasing SWE3 and shit like that, apparantly Yoda is the shit. Note that we sit in the second row so we're very slightly disrupting the entire class. Dayquil makes it hard to concentrate on the Calculus and I zoned out the second she said "now this isn't going to be on the final, but it is an interesting example." It was deriving Keplar's Laws in the most round-about annoying as hell fashion. I can recall doing this at least 5 times before in physics or math classes. I almost fall asleep.
Fast forward to after the class. After class I stroll to the bus loop with a somewhat cute girl in my class. Fourty seconds into the conversation I realise that she is A) stupid, and B) lives in Richmond so there is a chance I might have to talk to her for the entire 50 minutes or so back to Richmond. I make a bid for freedom claiming I'm not going back to Richmond right away and have to stop by Kerrisdale for something and hop on the 41 as she sits and waits for the 480.
The 41 ride is entertaining because riding through Kerrisdale is awesome. I get off and walk through the "little store" portion of it because it is a really neat part of Vancouver. I go window shopping, I get a vanilla latte (I also just realised that I almost capitalized vanilla latte, I nearly laughed at myself) at Starbucks because I am a consumer whore with a Starbucks card that I don't pay for. At Maple street I get back on the 41 and ride it the rest of the way to Granville, this is when my day starts astronomically improving, right across the aisle from me on the 41 sits a really attractive woman. Like. Really, really. Skin the color of caramel, wearing thin (really thin, like could see through them when the light was right) white pants, a white with green highlights overshirt and a lime green tight t-shirt underneath. Plus she had pretty big, yet perky, boobs which is always a plus with tight t-shirts. A psych major at UBC, so we chat about school, how summer morning classes are such a drag, etc. I try to not make it painfully obvious that I'm checking her out body every 10 seconds or so. I probably failed at that. Stupid roving eyes, always giving me away.
She gets off at Granville too and sits with me on the 98 so we keep talking. I gotta take this bus combination more often. She gets off the bus at Alderbridge, me at Westminster.
Just as I get to the crossroad to my bus stop to take the 401 home, the 401 pulls away. Shoot. 20 minutes until the next bus comes, so I decide I'll walk along Westminister Highway a while because it is nice and sunny with a bit of a breeze plus I got new shoes that still need breaking in a bit. So away I go. I make it to 2 road in 20 minutes or so and I'm heading to the stop about 20 feet away and the 401 flies by at around mach 2. Crud.
Oh well, I turn down 2 road and start walking, I get to Blundell Center, have another latte because I am a consumer whore, do the Soduko in the Metro, do the crossword in it too, then [almost] do the crossword in the Globe and Mail (stupid G&M hard ass crossword, only got like two thirds of it done). The Sudoku took me 4 minutes, which is 9 under the time which would confirm my "genius" level of doing stupid math problems. I feel smart.
I set off again down 2 Road slowly changing my mind that it is "nice and sunny" and revising it to "Blurdy hot out." I crack and get on the 402 which comes by conviently when I'm at Francais, I take it in to Steveston to see how the village has been doing without me checking up on it often. Turns out pretty good. I eat lunch at Alegria beacuse overpriced, yet tastey food, is good. I use up Emily's break talking to her. Good times.
Then I came home had a shower, etc. And now I've been typing away at this blog post for nearly an hour, so it is time for me to go. Stupid blog post.
By the way everyone, I am now going to Young Drivers like my parents insisted (and paid for) Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:15 until 9:15 pm. Yes, I am the oldest in the class by about 4 years. Yes, it is boring. Yes, I want to do something tonight afterwards.
//Edit: I looked back over the day and really, it hasn't been awesome. Pretty normal actually, just today I've been feeling good all day. Sorta like how when you get an enema you feel REALLY CLEAN all day. Or maybe not that way.
No, I haven't actually had an enema. Danks.
You should get one. LOL
Sounds like a pretty crappy day actually. Running around trying to catch buses, missing them right and left. Boring classes.
The only redeeming factor is the plethora of hot girls. And yes, sometimes that is enough to brighten up a day.
I understand.
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