McMovie Marathon: ALIEN
When: Next Friday (May 13th), aim to arrive ~1 pm. Movies start 1:30 pm. Lasting as late as 11 pm with director's cuts of the films. Closer to 10 pm with regular versions. If we're all sick of Alien by the time Alien 3 ends, we'll skip Alien Ressurection. [NOT 14th, because I'm stupid.]
What: Alien Movie Marathon (Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Ressurection). I know, I know the middle 2 are the best, by a lot, but we're GOING TO WATCH THEM IN ORDER. If anybody owns them (prefferably on DVD) LET ME KNOW!
Who: Everybody (might be a bit crowded though, only 2 couches in my TV room so optimisticly ~15 people, 20 tops). Let me know early and RESERVE YOUR SPOT! If to many people want to come, I can see about moving the big TV to the other room and watching in there and then we can have up to 30 or so people, but it is a big pain to do it, so probably max 20.
Food & Drink: Nachoes + Pop will be provided in limited quantities, people are welcome to bring more beverages or food to supplement. Please no alcohol, if I'm not going to drink, nobody else gets to!
Alternate marathons if people suck and don't want to watch Alien:
Batman, Indian Jones, Die Hard, Misc. Movies off Mark's Necessary Flick List.
*All Plans Subject to Change*
Warning: All 4 Alien movies are rated R for "monster violence" and language. If anyone is easily scared by movies and DON'T LIKE BEING SCARED, don't come. People who scream for longer than 3 seconds at a time, don't come. People who like breaking stuff at other people's house, don't come or I will break you. Leave all drama and interpersonal problems at the door or I WILL kick you out.
I'm so there!
Hold on a sec, will there be two viewings?
Goddamnit mark!!
Make it later.
I have work till 4:30...
Can't you ... i don't know... not show ALien Resurrection last!?
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