Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Lack of Judgement, or to much

Today I was watching some movies. And I got to introspection. Well, just sort of meditating on the world around me. I think I might of misjudged my closest friends. Tried to fit them into nice little archetypes. But the world is so complex... So very complex. I probably owe a few people apologies. For how I've treated them or thought about them. Or simply how I dismissed them. The world and the people in it are far to complex to try and hold them all together. So many people in a group, it was nearly a certainty that there would be some crossed wires. Some poorly mixed personalities.

I owe people apologies.

I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry.

Everyone is entitled to their shot at happiness. I have no right to try and take my own over theirs.

Delilah said that things change and so do people. I don't think they did in this case. They just ignored all the problems there were until it was too late to try and fix them. Then it all exploded. I am just as guilty as that. I was to busy riding the high of having friends. Caring about people who cared about me, or so I thought. To even notice the casual cruelty going around.

We all just sort of... stopped trying to hold it all together. So as entropy dictated, it all fell apart.


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