Sunday, October 30, 2005

My bicycle is broken

The SHAFT upon which the seat is MOUNTED has become bent!

Also, I need a new PUMP for my tires, but I think i shall just push it down to the gas station as I usually do.

The THRUST of what I am saying is that my bike is seriously FUCKED up at the moment and I won't be able to go on any satisfying RIDES anytime soon.

Damnit. Not even overly sexualized language with handy HTML bitties won't satisfying my lust for biking in the rain. Without my bike I shall become fat and complacent!
... more fat and more complacent I guess I should clarify that to be. Considering how I currently have both of those traits in spades!

Spades, like in cards? It is a phrase.

I realise that might of confused some people, I'm looking at you Jamieson (I mean, he didn't even know the phrase "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush." I mean, jeeze), so i shall explain; Having something "In spades" refers to the card game "bridge" where suits have a preferential order, spades being the top of them. Having a bid 'in spades' meant you had the highest possible trump bid without increasing the numerical value of your bid.

It means "a lot".

So anyway, I need to either hacksaw off the bottom of the shaft of my bike seat, or bring it in to be fixed by a professional. I think I'll do the latter since my bike could use a number of repairs, not the least of which would be making my gears work properly for the first time in... Ever.

Do I blog because I am depressed and bored, or do I get depressed and bored because I blog. YOU DECIDE!

But just to let you know:
I'm standing on the wall, feeling ten feet tall.
And this is my front page. My new age.
All my bitches throwing their hands in the air,
And waving them about, like they just don't care.

Now, since I zoned out for a few minutes, while I digested the latest math problem before disregarding it as to annoying to bother sovling, we should have some sort of representation of the passage of time.

So I want all of you to envision an analog clock face, with its hands spinning rapidly. But really, only think of them as spinning for like 5 minutes because that's all I zoned out for. Or keep them spinning as long as you want, it is a pretty neat effect. If you have poor visualization skills, you can probably find one on the internet, if someone wants to, they should comment a link to such a spinning clock animated .gif! That would be really awesome.

Anyway. Um. Yeah. So anyone wonder why I am always the last person to find stuff out? If you did wonder that, that'd be really interesting, because I wonder that sometimes too. Then I thought for awhile that maybe it was like how everything is always in the last place you look [because you stop looking when you find it!] but like for social informational filteration systems. Like I'm the last one to know something because as information diseminates down to me, I recieve it and just don't pass it on because I've already ASSUMED that everyone else already knows, so it only SEEMS like I'm the last one to know because I am a dick and don't pass on the information because of my previous assumptions!

So in summary. I'm a bit of an asshole in a social structural sense. And in a sorta every sense.


BJ_Nitsuj - Ahh, well then... says:
well, if you'd be able to do it, and keep it up w/o making mistakes, then yeah
BJ_Nitsuj - Ahh, well then... says:
don't think I'd be able to keep it up myself
Mark says, "I just read my OWN MSN NAME and shuddered in disgust. That's pretty damn bad." says:
(zing, I'm not even gonna say it)

Taking conversational snippets out of context is AWESOME!!!

In fact, we were actually talking about using incorrect verb tenses to fuck around with other people. NOT in fact, Nit's penile ability. But I thought it was pretty amusing either way!

You see, I live on the edge. Somedays I just take the envelope out of the box and PUSH IT!

Thermos. It is a brand name. Is there any non-branded, non-sucky names for a thermos? Vacume flask? I THINK NOT!

Confucious says, "They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it."

Philosphy, jokes, hijinks, random hilarity. ALL AVALIABLE.

At the Daily Dinosaur Comics Not here, oh god not here.

Friday, October 28, 2005

In summary.

It has been a bad week.

So, weekend... Stuff?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Week o' Doom

This is going to be a bad week.

Monday: Extragalactic Astrophysics
Wednesday: Complex Numbers
Friday: Electricity and Magnetism

Now, the reason these are bad are because these are in fact, midterms. I'm not so worried about the first two. It is the last one that is going to ruin my shit. Plus, I didn't get nearly enough done over the weekend.

Besides beating Quake 4 that is.

Friday, October 21, 2005


Time for rejuvination. Feel better already.

P.S. Quake 4: Awesome. So very, very awesome. It is like Doom 3. But like... Good. Same graphics, more opitmization though. Things look like poo at a long distance though.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Today has not been a good day.

Today has been a bad day.

A very bad day.

A day in which nothing goes right at all. Things that usually would of gone completely unnoticed in their unimportantness in the scheme of the day and figuring of the day's quality, also, went wrong. Frankly, I'm surprised I've kept on breathing. My heart has kept beating. Gravity hasn't spontaneously ceased to function. Et cetera.

I would describe this as the very worst possible day but for one thing.

It would leave no language forcible enough to describe tommorow.

Soylent Green may be made of people.

But Soylent Blue (breakfast mix) is made of smurfs.

In other news, my house is overrun with koala bears. Cutest infestation EVER!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

This is a Kangaroo getting eaten by a python.

People on the interweb are WEIRD.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sleeping Dreamily

So I was brushing my teeth in my bathroom, and I looked up at the mirror and watched as the image in the mirror become distorting, the walls expanded and contracted sorta at the same time, everything went all wonky in perspective. Then when I looked back at the mirror, the image was fine, and everything around me was all wonky.

Then the mirror shattered. As I stood there and the faucet in front of me grew to monstrous proportions as toothpaste dripped out of my open mouth and onto my shirt. I saw in the reflection myself, a reflection of me on a bus.

And so then there I was on an empty, dark B-line bus. Going down a road shrouded in absolute darkness. No street lights or houses. Sort of looked like Northwest Marine. I looked down and see her leaning napping on against me, loosely leaning/holding on to me. I hold her back and she puts her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. I put my head on top of her head and sleep for a long, long time.

*bing* "The next stop, is Mark's stop." I don't know if has been 20 seconds or 20 hours. But I feel both rested and exhausted.

She mumbles about how it is time for me to go. I say I don't want too. She says I have too and I know that I do. I walk to the doors and turn and wave to her, she smiles and waves back. I step off the bus.

I wake up.

That was the strangest, happiest, saddest dream I've had in recent memory.